" this is the most fantastic book ive seen on this topic. It makes you ask yourself great questions about whether you are in love with someone or just infatuated.

" This is a great book that shows you how to be in a relationship the Christian way. For single people, married, men or women. It reminds us of the differences between Hollywood's version of love, and reality. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 sums it up well.Agape love is patient, love is kind. It’s helping a person become better, more mature, more godly. This is the first book of his that I have read and am really enjoying it - true to form. This kind of love is giving, even if you get nothing in return. Great info to help you have a God-honoring relationship. " Great read for married couples, soon to be married couples, or singles who are dating. " I recommend this to anyone who needs a guideline to know how to do relationships God's way. " My all time favorite dating book! " - Jennifer, This is the first book of his that I have read and am really enjoying it - true to form. Overall Performance: Narration Rating: Story Rating:.I believe the author's observations about the "mainstream" approach to relationships have merit and I found his proposed biblical alternative to be sound and worthy of sincere consideration." "I received this book as a gift and it was a beneficial read, even worthy of offering twice as a gift. Whether single or single again, those who have heard Chip's teaching and radio ministry have reported significant help as a result of their exposure to these principles from God's Word. And if so, how? Is it possible to enjoy love, sex, and a lasting relationship in the culture and times in which we live? In this new audio CD, Chip Ingram examines why many relationships fail and highlights the principles couples need for breaking the trend. They wonder if relationships really can work. Yet they crave a quality love life that goes beyond physical attraction. Join Chip Ingram as he unpacks Ephesians chapter 5 and delivers to us God's prescription for building relationships that love and last for life.Many couples struggle to have a meaningful relationship and seem clueless when it comes to making it last. In this 10-part series, you'll discover that there is a better way to find love, stay in love, and grow in intimacy for a lifetime. So here's the question: Why is "true love" so elusive? Could it be that the picture of love we see in today's culture is nothing more than an illusion? If so, what does real love look like? all of which are designed to "help" you find that special someone to love.

There are books about it, songs about it, Internet dating, and even seminars on it. The pursuit of "true love" is everywhere you look! It's romanticized on TV and in the movies we watch.